55+ Club

Mission Statement

Create an exciting, fun ministry for senior adults that will provide ways to include them in the mission of First Christian Church. We hope to inspire you to continue growing toward Christ-like maturity, through service opportunities, fellowship and other events.

Text 55+ to 660-570-4020 to receive text notification of events.

55+ Club Events

55+ CLUB
October 22nd
8:15 am to approximately 6:00 pm

Transportation is provided via motorcoach (with restroom facilities).

Be prepared to go places you may never have been before
while enjoying church friends who like to explore!
Each place visited will have its own décor and
you may even hear about a little ghost lore.

$50 per person
Dress is casual and bring money for lunch.
Only 38 seats are available so make your reservations by
October 10th by calling the church office 660-826-5300

We can’t tell you much or it wouldn’t be a mystery!